Phone No:0201 342 7034

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523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA

Health, Safety and Environmental Policy

This general policy is supplemented by another organizational health and safety policy specific to construction work sites.

As an engineering, procurement and construction company operating in Nigeria, we make Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental a primary objective in all our activities.

Our objective with regards to all the establishments where we are assigned a mandate or responsibility in occupational health, safety and environmental, is to have minimal accidents in the workplace and the elimination of risk or danger.

We have identified measurable objectives that are specific and adapted to each type of operation in which we are involved which will be subject to periodic review.

Safety is our keyword: the safety of our personnel and products is advocated. We require a safe and healthy area of operations; ensuring the safety of our equipment, and surrounding. Our personnel is requested to go for yearly training and courses on safety and we ensure routine safety check of facilities and equipment before and after installation.

We believe in a pollution-free environment. We conserve and protect our environment whenever any work or service is embarked upon by us. We strictly adhere to the policy of conserving the environment.

The Manager in-charge of safety on every project is responsible for verifying official directives regarding occupational health, safety, and environment and to ensure that all offices, equipment and work sites comply with laws, regulations and operating policies.