Construction of Roof Top Helipad at RCCG Trinity Tower, Lagos
PROJECT LOCATIONOniru Road, Victorial Island, Lagos Nigeria
Strasscorp Limited, was awarded the contract to design, construct, and commission the Roof Top Helipad at the RCCG Trinity Towers, Lagos. The scope of work included provision of Fire equipment, Aircraft Warning Lights, Strip Lights around the helipad.
OTHER PROJECTSCompleted Projects

ATC Fixed Control Tower

Baggage Handling and Screening System




ATC Tower Cabin

Mobile Consoles & Communication Equipment

Mobile ATC Tower

Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting Vehicle

Mobile ATC Tower



Fixed ATC Consoles and Communication Equipment

Rapid Intervention Fire Fighting Vehicle

ATC Cabin

Defence System Solutions
Technical Advisory Services
on Ogere Trailer Parks Project
Client: Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority
Ongoing Projects
Procurement, Installation and Commissioning of GuardRec Voice and Data/Radar Signals ATC Recording solutions in (9)Nigeria Airports
Client: Nigeria Airspace Management Agency/Federal Ministry of Aviation